Our Services

Team workloads and needs often change and can be difficult to forecast. With the services below, Venera can help you fill in the gaps.

  • Engineering design

  • Reverse engineering

  • CAD

  • Testing support; including managing test sites

  • Independent analysis

  • Technical and professional writing

  • Create briefings

Engineering Support

Data Collection

Venera uses Ground Penetrating Radar (GPR) for bridge assessment. Venera has state-of-the art scanning equipment; the first in the world to combine 10 simultaneous frequencies and 21 sensors, oriented in different angles and stitched together for multiple passes, to provide a 3D view which can be examined from any angle or depth.  We also have software developed to automate GPR data analysis for detecting defects on concrete bridge decks, including corrosion, cracks, spalls, voids and patches. In addition, we have infrared thermography and HD.

Project Management

Projects are time-bound endeavors. Venera can help you complete projects timely with the range of support below. Get your ideas to execution with our project management services. 

  • Overall project planning

  • Scheduling

  • Identifying and mitigating risks

  • Strategy development

  • Time management

  • Budget management

  • Documentation 

Ground Penetrating Radar

Why choose us for your bridge assesment? Venera uses advanced GPR technology for non-destructive testing. We run a step-frequency system with ten frequencies running simultaneously, as compared to traditional GPR which runs with single or dual frequency. This makes our scans much more accurate.

Knowing the exact scope of a bridge makes prioritization easy and job bids more accurate.